Resources for Couples and Adult Families Dealing with Psychiatric Issues in a Family Member

Web and print resources for professionals, couples and families dealing with psychiatric illness and caregiving issues. 

General Resources

Mental Health America: .

The National Alliance on Mental Illness: Family-to-Family Education Program:

The Family Institute for Education, Practice and Research (University of Rochester Medical Center):

Support and Education Program for Families (SAFE):

Sederer, Lloyd.  The Family Guide to Mental Health Care.  2013

Galynker, Igor. Talking to Families About Mental Illness. 2012

Substance Use Disorders and Families

Ackerman Institute for the Family: Substance Abuse and Family Program

Al-Anon Family groups:

SMART Recovery:

Families Anonymous:

National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence:

Center for Motivation and Change:Parent/Partner 20 Minute Guide    Videos for Families

O’Farrell, T.J. (2012) Review of outcome research on marital and family therapy in treatment of alcoholism. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 38(1): 122-144.

Copello, A.G.; Velleman, R.D.B.; Templeton, L.J. (2005) Family interventions in the treatment of alcohol and drug problems. Drug and Alcohol Review 24 (4): Pages 369-385.

Depression/Bipolar Illness and Families

Families for Depression Awareness:

Families Together:

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance:

Miklowitz, D. The Bipolar Survival Guide 2nd ed.  2011

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP):

Attention Deficit Disorder

Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Orlov, Melissa   The ADHD Effect on Marriage 2010


The World Fellowship for Schizophrenia and Allied Disorders Website

Borderline Personality

Family Connections: Coordinated by the National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder:


The National Family Caregivers Association

PLAN – Planned Lifetime Assistance Network (The National PLAN Alliance)

Jacobs, B.  The Emotional Survival Guide for Caregivers:  Looking After Yourself and Your Family While Helping an Aging Parent. 2006

Consumer Organizations

Compeer, Inc.:

Consumers Helping Others In a Caring Environment (CHOICE):

Network of Care:

World Federation for Mental Health: Center for Family Consumer

Advocacy and Support:

Active Minds on Campus:

Children of Mentally Ill Parents

Felicia Chang